Seasons:  12 (2012 to 2023)
Playoff Appearances:  7
Championships:  2
Longest Win Streak:  W13 (2022)
Longest Losing Streak:  L14 (2021)
Highest Score Single Week:  188.6 (Week 5 – 2022)
Lowest Score Single Week:  38 (Week 7 – 2015)
Top Individual Performance:  45.3 (Josh Jacobs – Week 12 – 2022)

Engineer by day, Alaskan fisherman by night, and flight pilot by pleasure, Earl brings a remarkable diversity to the BBC. Jon “JAWS” Earl found his initial success in the BBC due to his matchless aptitude to ward off sleep, allowing him to be the first to hit the waiver wire at 4:00am each week. Known for absolute impulsivity and incomprehensible luck, Earl always seems to find himself having success. With a strong win percentage, seven playoff runs, and titles in 2018 and 2022, Earl proves his unique skill as a league manager.

Franchise Quote:  “Statistics are like bikinis – they show a lot but not everything.”

Franchise History


Positional Output

Top Players

W*:  Indicates regular season only
W:  Indicates regular season + playoffs
FIN:  Place finished at end of season
Note:  Top 10 Players generated by most games started in BBC history